Ruth Zaporah states ‘ I’m tracking things like time, space, shape, all that.’ (Zaporah in De Spain, 2014,46) My views and experiences with tracking are difficult. Whilst improvising you have to think about the space around you and dancers in the space. You have to be spatially aware at all times to make sure you know where the dancers are around you. Tracking helps you keep this under control so that everything runs smoothly. In my experience of improvisation I feel like the quicker I improvise the more movement comes out of my body. Doing the three step think, imagine and go. I struggled with this as I found it harder to accumulate movements which I hadn’t already repeated and to create new and interesting ones. When I was free to do what I wanted to I had more movement behind me, even though I did sometimes go back to habitual movements. The movements was flowing making it look more of a dance not a series of movements. Nelson discusses that ‘the difference between movement and dancing is very apparent to me'(Nelson in De Spain,2014,99) I found out that when the movement had a slower quality I didn’t feel like I was dancing as such as I was always concentrating on the movement and what looked expressive. When I was free I felt like there was more dancing. I was able to move more freely and the timing and dynamic was faster meaning I had no time to think about what I was doing. I feel like when I am dancing I can feel the difference in what I think in moving and dancing but to an outsider that may be different.
Whilst dancing in the improvisation jam I found the score which was given to us made me relaxed and calm whilst improvising. I felt like this because the movements which I improvised was in slow motion. As the movements I produced were in slow motion I found his hard to find continuous movements without resorting back to habitual moves. This score challenged me and let me have the chance to think of different movements which I could do instead of habitual ones. The corridor which I found myself in the most was corridor 2. I feel like I was in this corridor more than the others as it was in the centre. In this score I found myself dancing around the edges and towards the centre of the room and this is where corridor two was meaning for the next two rounds I had to dance in the same corridor.
De Spain, K.(2014) Landscape of the now: a topography of movement improvisation. New York,USA: Oxford University press.